Team Building in 2024 | Mantastic Puzzle and Dragons

Team Building in 2024 | Mantastic Puzzle and Dragons

Puzzle and Dragons has become one of the longest lasting games on the market and it is no surprise that the sheer number of mechanics can make team building a daunting task. This is further exasperated by a dwindling number of community resources which has led to the current state of running dungeons completely blind. This trial and error approach is a far cry from being able to plan teams around dungeon information found on padx and has forced me to reevaluate my own expectations to approaching end game content.
With that being said, I would like to share my approach for team building when running dungeons blind. I will often have to build teams while streaming on  Twitch so feel free to tune in when I’m live to ask questions.
Video commentary
What to prioritize

Due to the sheer mechanics bloat we are experiencing today, I find myself having to prioritize what I bring into a dungeon simply because it may be impossible to try and account for every possible mechanic. As such, I try to follow my own prioritization template when building any given team.
Firstly, I decide upon which leaders I wish to use and understand what their leader skill requirements are. From there I do my best to address the following needs when running a dungeon blind:
Must bring

Other Resists
Beyond Tape and Skill Bind Resist, the other Resists can be somewhat neglected as failing to block them does not immediately result in instant-death (most of the time).
I place value on Blind Resist in order to prevent preemptive full board Sticky Blinds. Amusingly, I tend to prioritize Jammer Resist over Poison due to Bomb orbs. This is because many orb generators create X number of orbs at random which can lead to potentially 2 Bomb orbs left over. With that being said, if your orb generation directly removes Jammer/Poison orbs or is a full board changer, neither resist is required. Finally, Cloud Resist is more of a luxury as Clouds are an inconvinence.
Damage Reduction (Looping Shield)
I often jest that the game should be renamed Team HP  & Waifus as we have now entered an age where you need comical amounts of eHP (effective HP) to survive along with Dragons being replaced by pretty girls.
A lack of Dragons aside, we now need to stack as many Team HP awakenings as possible to have a hope of surviving. As such, I often try to have at least 2 per Weapon Assist but even then it may not be enough. Thus, the need to bring Looping Shields (Damage Reduction actives that last for X number of turns on an X turn cooldown) has become the norm in order to add another layer of effective HP.
What does this look like?
Due to only having 6 cards available to bring into any dungeon, I tend to have this sort of composition for a 2-turn System team (2 cards needed for constant orb generation):
Absorb / Looping Shield / Cleric / Dmg Void / Orb Gen / Orb Gen
3-turn Systems will have to either have Damage Void baked into one of your other active skills/have VDP or forgo a Looping Shield:
Absorb / Orb Gen / Orb Gen / Orb Gen / Cleric / Dmg Void or Shield
Example Granerv x Kurotobi team following the 2-turn System set up Absorb / Looping Shield / Cleric / Dmg Void / Orb Gen / Orb Gen:

The same team blindly entered and cleared Alt. UN2, Gathering of Talents 4, and the Demon Title Challenge (three dungeons with wildly different encounters). No team was truly optimized for the respective dungeon but the team has solutions for the vast majority of problems:

Team building in Puzzle and Dragons is an overwhelming task as you have to juggle between enough eSB, orb generation, Resists, and enough eHP to actually survive. This has now become a game of trial and error but having key pieces such as a Cleric, orb generation, and an Absorbtion solution will greatly increase your chances for success.
With all that being said, what do you lovely ladies and gentlemen try to prioritize when entering dungeons Blind.
Happy Puzzling!

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