The A. Schoenhut Company Exhibit

The A. Schoenhut Company Exhibit

August 23, 2023

The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures is pleased to be highlighting the A. Schoenhut Company in our Featured Manufacturer Gallery. This exhibition opened in August 2021 and will be on display through September 2024.

A. Schoenhut Company Exhibit, The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures

The display examines the history of the company, focusing on three primary product lines. Since the A. Schoenhut Company’s first products were toy pianos, the first case includes pianos including 8-key and 15-key basic upright pianos, patented 1900, that were available in 15 sizes. The second case highlights the Humpty Dumpty Circus (1903 -1935) with a big top, multiple human and animal figures, and even a bandwagon with driver, horses, and musicians. The last case includes examples of the All-Wood Perfection Art Doll produced between 1912 and 1924.

While this show in the Featured Manufacturer Gallery gathers several important A. Schoenhut Company products, exhibits throughout the museum include important Schoenhut toys, including Teddy’s Adventures in Africa (introduced in 1909) in Toys From the Attic and the Schoenhut Manufacturing Company’s 1937 Malibu Doll House in Let’s Play House.


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